World Class Performance & Personal Training for Athletes & Busy Adults in Manasquan, NJ.
Trusted by Parents, Coaches & Athletes Since 2002
Happy Athletes
Do You Wonder Why Your Child Trains in Club Sports Year Round But Still Struggles to Achieve More Success? Let Us Help Transform Your Son or Daughter.
Transform Into a Dominant Athlete at Underground Strength Gym in Manasquan.
If Your Child is Not Dominating & Needs More Speed, Power & Strength, We Can Help.
“For the Parents out there looking to make the Commitment, it is Well Worth it! Not Only Physically but Mentally as Well!”
– Rosera Reilly
“I Knew That The Underground was The Place to be Surrounded by Like Minded Coaches & Athletes”
— Anthony Ashnault / 4 X NJ State Champ / 4 X All American /
Why Underground Strength Gym?
About Us
The success of The Underground Strength Gym began in 2002. Since 2002, we have been transforming average athletes into All-Area, All-State, All-Conference, State Champ & National Champ Accolades which has been unmatched.
Since 2004, Coaches have been flying to NJ from around the world to learn from Zach Even – Esh and the training methods of The Underground Strength Gym, so they too can bring home and implement our proven training methods to dramatically increase the success with their athletes.
Life Long Lessons
Life-Long Lessons & Why Your Child Needs Something Unique and Different Than Their Competition….
ALL athletes need to get the edge over their competition if they want to truly excel and stand apart from the crowd. Their competition is already doing everything they are doing: attending athletic camps and clubs specific to their sport, training in their high school or collegiate weight room, etc.
If you’re doing the same training as everyone else how do you expect to set yourself apart from the pack? The truth is that you can’t, you are simply meeting the status quo.
Our methods are specifically geared towards the development of your child, turning weak points into strong points and developing overall athleticism specific to their sport.
The methods used here did not come about from a weekend course or a few books like most other “coaches”. Our expertise has been crafted and molded, battle-tested, and proven with our athletes achieving above normal success time and again.
Why You Need an Expert For Your Child
The way we organize our training methods and training tools together is what separates us from the typical athlete development program and is exactly why our results quickly skyrocket the progress of any athlete who is part of our program.
Many parents and athletic coaches try to take the performance preparation into their own hands by getting the same training tools, thinking the equipment is the answer. Tools such as Russian Kettlebells, tractor tires, kegs, etc. Having the exercise tools does NOT qualify you as an expert.
For Example, My Father has Kettlebells at his house, this does NOT qualify him to train you or other athletes. I have a Football and Rugby ball in my house, this does NOT qualify me to Coach these sports.
Before being accepted into our program, Both the Parent AND athlete are interviewed because we not only require highly committed athletes, but we look for parents to be supportive of what we do and understand that commitment to their child will be a long-term journey.
See our athletes in action

Blair Wresting
Blair Wrestling Academy Training Underground!

Part 2

Rutgers Wrestlers
Rutgers Wrestlers In Training

Part 2

If You’re A Supportive Parent of a Hard Working Athlete, Sign Up for Your Child’s Free Trial & Assessment
Building Champions in Sports AND Life
Speed | Agility | Strength | Power | Confidence
Middle School | High School | College
Speed | Agility | Strength | Power | Confidence
Changing Lives Through Strength
Individualized for Your Needs
Safe | Results Proven | World Class Coaching
Membership Prices & Options
We don’t offer sessions or count how often you train here unless you are in Private 1 on 1 Training.
We offer complete membership which means Unlimited Training Sessions & Commitment from YOU 2 – 4 x week depending on in season or off season.
We understand that building championship athletes is a long-term process, not a quick fix that happens in a few workouts. The fads and gimmicks promise those lies, we focus on Honesty & Integrity.
We play the long game here. If you lack consistency, your results will be average at best. Our best athletes train year-round and in turn, we recommend athletes train all year round. We Pursue EXCELLENCE and despise Mediocrity!
Membership offers Unlimited Training.
Most of our high school athletes train with us 2 – 4 x week while most of our middle school athletes train with us 2-3 x week. Some middle school athletes are highly motivated to train more often than 3 x a week and if they are emotionally / physically ready, we recommend this as well.
All workouts are Coached
All workouts are Coached and individualized according to your child’s sport, his / her weak areas, and the time of year (off-season / in-season, etc.)
Unlimited access to our gym
Unlimited access to our gym ensures your child gets expert coaching each and every time he/she is here.